Why We Use Servoy



We have always worked with Rapid Application Development environments because they can boost developer productivity thus reducing development costs. But some RAD tools rely on proprietary technologies that lock you in and your applications become "islands of functionality" that can't keep up with your organization's growth and evolving needs.


Not so with Servoy. The makers of Servoy understand that a good RAD tool needs to remain standard, open and extendable. Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel, Servoy leverages standard technologies, brings them together under one roof, and makes it easy for developers to use them. Standard technologies like Java, JavaScript, SQL databases, JDBC, AJAX, HTML, Web Services, Java Beans, Java Plugins, etc. And instead of locking you into their technologies, Servoy makes theirs open-source.


We have been working intensively with Servoy since 2006 and we continue to believe that it offers the best marriage productivity and flexibility of any RAD tool on the market today. If you want to learn more about Servoy we encourage you to spend some time exploring the Servoy website.



Key Benefits of Servoy



Rapid Application Development
Smart & Web Client from single codebase
Windows, Mac & Linux from single code-base
Automated deployment and updates
Powerful security and auditing features
Database independent
Selected by IBM in its Cloud Specialty Program
Built-in support for Software As A Service (SaaS)
Standards Based and Open Source
Advanced email integration
Runs over the internet without needing Citrix or Terminal Services
Thousands of plugins and beans available
Powerful Eclipse based IDE
Powerful Javascript debugger
Version Control SVN and others
Large user base & online community